DDS/assignment 3: Task 2 Part 1

The digital strategy can be created from a range of tools such as:

  • Animoto – a video editing software which allows the user to create professional looking videos through simple drag and drop options and a large range of templates, this costs $22 per month (roughly 16.82 checked January 2019)
  • MailChimp- the largest marketing automation platform making it easy to coordinate email campaigns, track social media and collect data on clicks and ROI, this starts at $10 per month (roughly £7.65 checked January 2019)
  • Facebook ads – allows advertisements through facebook generating them through a step by step guide and running to a unique budget set by the company
  • Facebook promoted/boosted posts – allow the advertisement or post to be brought higher up on the targeted audiences timeline making it more likely to the clicked although the prices for this are not obvious until the campaign is running but using it roughly works out at $0.45-$3.77 per click (roughly £0.34-£2.88 checked January 2019)
  • Google Ads – online advertising platform created through google allowing for businesses to promote themselves of products, it also allows for the budget to be set by the company rather than a cost per click.
  • YouTube Ads – using targeted video adverts within videos to promote the company/ products, but also targets the audience through demographical information or through interests through the information YouTube has collected. Again, it is a personal budget, but they do advise that the average is around £6 per day
  • Google Analytics – created by Google it analyses, tracks and reports on web traffic saving the company time trying to decipher this information themselves just by adding the simple code to the website that is generated for them. They offer a free version which is perfect for start-up businesses with the option to upgrade to Analytics 360 but these prices are on quotation.
  • LinkedIn Advertising – targeted campaigns designed around a personal budget through; price per clicks (CPC), price per send (CPS) or impressions (CPM) which can be ended at any point with a team of experts on hand to provide support.
  • Twitter Ads – there are a few types of ads available on Twitter; promoted Tweets, promoted accounts and promoted trends which are visible to customers even when they are logged out of twitter. They are distinguished by the “promoted icon” which makes a customer feel it is more of a legitimate promotion. Once again it is a customised budget set to per day expenses.
  • Endorsement – this cannot be given an exact amount as it is all dependant on who or where the endorsement it happening but can be done by simple product give away for a review.