photography assignment evaluation

My first idea for my assignment work was to capture the reflections in the waterways of hull after been inspired by Michael Kenna, but after trying to recreate some and finding that the weather at this time of year isn’t suitable to try and create those kind of photos, I have decided to try and just focus on the waters of Hull and this objects and life associated with it (taken from previous post), I wanted to take the perception people have about the waters of Hull been “mucky and disgusting” and give a refreshing new look on them, I did this by capturing photos which people would either be surprised this is a photo of Hull and not a different location or to capture Hulls iconic landmarks in a new light, this has lead to my collection of photos from different locations of water in Hull. I took more than one photo of each subject using different techniques then chose the ones which I thought was the best of each subject, I also tried to include a variation of compositional devices. Through all of these I am happy with my collection I have created I am disappointed that my initial idea dint work out I was able to later get one image with a pretty good reflection but it was that slight set back that gave me the photos and inspiration to change my subject area.

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